The modifications I did are:

  1. Added a boss with more guns and moving behavior. It spawned enemies around wherever it moved.
  2. Added Asteroids that spawned and shot off at the edge of the map and did damage to only the player.
  3. I added objectives like destroying a satellite to the game.
  4. I changed the lay out for the third level to make the player go through a little tunnel of flying asteroids. (Also enlarged the second, but I'm an idiot and my program crashed without me saving).
  5.  Tweaked the UI and background to add some details.


Barthsca - 41 MB
Barthsca - 32 MB


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Your modifications sound good.

Just be sure that your new levels are different enough from the others that they do not feel the same.

If you are adding more enemies as in new enemy types that you create then that is significant. If you mean just as more enemies in the levels that would be part of a new level, which we count significantly different levels as modifications.

A boss fight would be significant.

New hazardous terrain would also be significant.